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06 June 2024


14th International Havemeyer Foundation Horse Genome Workshop a great success

The 14th Havemeyer Horse Genome Workshop was held from May 12 to 15, 2024 at the University of Caen, bringing together an international community of 110 people to share scientific results on the horse genome. A resounding success that will undoubtedly raise the international profile of INRAE, the GABI unit, LABÉO, the city of Caen and the Normandy region.
INRAE Photothèque

18 April 2024


SOCS2 mutation induces structural and functional changes in mammary gland development.

Lactation is an essential process for mammals. In sheep, the R96C mutation in the SOCS2 (Suppressor Of Cytokine Signaling 2) protein is associated with higher milk production and increased susceptibility to mastitis. To understand the involvement of the R96C mutation in mammary gland development and lactation, we developed a mouse model carrying this mutation (SOCS2KI/KI).
INRAE Phototheque 9031-095
Understanding the molecular bases controlling complex traits in livestock is essential for optimizing genetic selection methods and thus improving breeding.
INRAE Photothèque
Lactation is an essential process for mammals. In sheep, the R96C mutation in the SOCS2 (Suppressor Of Cytokine Signaling 2) protein is associated with higher milk production and increased susceptibility to mastitis. To understand the involvement of the R96C mutation in mammary gland development and lactation, we developed a mouse model carrying this mutation (SOCS2KI/KI).
@INRAE M. Dupont-Nivet
Any animal or plant population, wild or domesticated, evolves through continuous and cumulative changes over time, based on various evolutionary forces, namely selection, genetic drift, mutation and migration, with relative effects that depend on population history and structure. The footprints left along the genome by these evolutionary processes may correspond to positive selection of favorable alleles, resulting in highly homozygous regions with low genetic diversity, or, on the contrary, to balancing selection phenomena enabling regions to be maintained in a heterozygous state and thus with high genetic diversity.